Monthly Recap: July

Did you know that July was named after Julius Caesar? 

And just like him, at SQD, we have grand aspirations, although we do our best to avoid dinner parties iykyk. 

This month, there’s been a lot happening, from a major rebranding to enterprise partners and the release of our Romane Empire, aka the game plan. Here’s a recap of it all. 

But first, the numbers. 

Network in Numbers

  • 950 Worker Nodes online
  • 703 TB Data stored
  • 138,545 Queries served in past 24 hours
  • 93,551,227 SQD delegated

So Long Squiddie, thanks for all the Fish 

At the start of the month, SQD announced a significant transition, waving Goodbye to the Squid on our logo and welcoming a more mature interpretation of what Subsquid Labs is trying to achieve. The rebranding marks our transition to a production-ready platform ready to onboard major clients from Web2 and Web3. 

Read more here.

SQD on its first DEX

A few days later, the native SQD token went live on Arbitrum on its first DEX: PancakeSwap. The PancakeSwap team was already a heavy SQD user, making it a logical choice for our first DEX appearance. And with its high liquidity, user-friendliness, and focus on being an all-in-one DeFi platform, it’s also a fun place to trade. 

New Game Plan + AMA 

Another milestone for SQD was the release of our game plan. People often put SQD in a box, comparing it to other indexing protocols, without realizing that, the flexibility of our layer enables much more than that. 

For an impression of what we’re aiming to build in the long run (spoiler: a data access layer that eventually outcompetes Web2), read our game plan or listen to the AMA we hosted with SQD CEO Dmitry Zhelezov. 

Partners & Integrations 

In July, we also entered one new enterprise partnership and shipped a Proof-of-Concept, showcasing what’s possible when combining AI analytical tools and SQD onchain data:

  • Deutsche Telekom running worker nodes on SQD. LINK
  • Kelp Analytics’ integration provides an interactive tool to analyze Uniswa Price Impact powered by SQD data LINK 
  • M31 enters strategic partnership with SQD LINK


Centuries after Caesar, Charles V was the most powerful man ruling the Holy Roman Empire—and despite the name, the center of his power wasn’t Rome but Brussels—the city that, in 2024, became the venue for ETH CC. 

While you might have seen Tweets about getting robbed or Vitalik jumping through the rain, at SQD our focus was hosting an Open Data Brunch to discuss all things data, together with our partner Google Clouds. 

Thanks to everyone who joined! No seats were left empty; no one was left standing in the rain.

Other notable mentions

AI x Blockchain Use cases X Space 

Although we build regardless of the current meta, we can’t fully escape the AI trend. We’ve previously clarified that we’re as much an AI project as a DePIN project, and SQD's main proposition for AI is enabling data access at scale. But then it might matter less what we say than what others perceive us to be. 

Undeniably, a lot is happening so for a deeper dive into what’s possible at the intersection of AI and Blockchain, we invited speakers from Guru Network and 0G Labs to discuss 

“Once the infrastructure is in place, AI agents can do anything humans do onchain, from trading in DeFi to checking in on your portfolio to minting NFTs.”

For further insights from that space:

AI meets Blockchain
“With great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to shaping the minds of artificial intelligences.” - Ted Chiang in The Lifecycle of Software Objects While blockchain is changing the way we transfer value, AI is changing everything, at least according to some, including how we work, interact, date,

dAGI House 

Further fuelling the demand for AI-related content, SQD CEO Dmitry spoke during dAGI House, an online event series, about what he believes will happen with LLMs in the future and how SQD fits into the picture. 

The main takeaway here is that the edge eventually won’t come from building the most sophisticated neural network but from the data you access to fuel it and how expensive that is. You can watch the talk in its entirety here or read our recap of Dmitry’s insights on the SQD Blog here. 

Thanks for being part of the SQD community.

FYI, a shorter version of this has also gone out via email to all newsletter subscribers.